
Friday, April 1, 2011

It Begins...

I really should have known better than to expect ticket information from NYC Halloween Haunted House on April Fool's Day, but my excitement got the better of me. I saw the facebook post, "something's coming tomorrow..." and my reaction was entirely visceral. I stalked my email inbox from 10:20am to 10:43am. I jumped at every incoming message. Then at 10:43am, there it was. Three e-mails right in a row.

The first message contained just one word: "it." The second  read: "begins." The third email said:

"it begins this month. 

there are only twenty spots available and sixty-two people invited.  
 so when it starts, it will go fast.  

please be prepared.

rules will be coming next.   for now,  enjoy this....

(Underneath the message was a link to the video below.)

One thing is for sure. NYC Halloween Haunted House masterfully integrates suspense and fear into every aspect of their events.

Right now, I'm terrified. I'm terrified that I won't get to go.

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/21787446 w=400&h=295]
nyc halloween haunted house - 2011 promo (3) from HauntedNYC on Vimeo.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Don't Get Too Comfortable

On Friday, I received this chilling image containing a beautiful message. I have been chosen. I have officially been invited to the NYC Halloween Haunted House Spring Haunt!

So, now I wait once again. What comes next? My excitement fades to concern. My memory reminds me of the warning: "There are 62 invitations going out and only 20 tickets available - so don't get too comfortable if you've been invited."

I won't be able to truly relax until I have a ticket in my hand.