
Friday, November 12, 2010

Blood Manor Moves to A New Location For 2011

Blood Manor announced that it will move to a larger location for next year. They promise a bigger bolder, and bloodier Haunted House for 2011.

2011 Nightmare Haunted House Will Pull Terror From Your Favorite Fairy Tales

Timothy Haskell just announced the theme for his 2011 Nightmare Haunted House in NYC.

I love this theme. I applaud the choice. There is such a vast amount of timeless material to choose from.  Many of the most well known and loved fairy tales have horrific and gristly details that have been toned down or edited out over the years.

Here is my list of original Fairy Tale moments I hope to see incorporated into next year's house:

Cinderella's Stepmother ordering her 1st daughter to cut off her toe and the 2nd to cut off her heel in order to fit into the golden slipper. Then pigeons peck out their eyes.
Hansel & Gretel's disgusting witch living alone in a gingerbread house in the woods with an appetite for children.
Little Red Riding Hood filling the wolf's opened body cavity with great stones and then watching him try to run away.

Alice in Wonderland lost in a land of lunatics where nothing is as it seems and local royalty has an obsession with beheadings.

The Miller from The Girl Without Hands cutting off his daughter's hands by order of the devil.

Sleeping Beauty is raped by the prince while she sleeps for a hundred years.

The Red Shoes worn by the peasant girl who dances until her feet bleed and begs to have her feet cut off.

Rapunzel's prince having leapt from the tower lands on thorns below and is blinded.

Snow White's Evil Queen forced to dance to death wearing red hot iron shoes.

Discovering that your childhood 'Happily Ever Afters' are just a pretty lie is truly terrifying...